Addu Atoll Maldive Island
Addu is roughly heart shaped measurign 10 miles from east to west 6 1/2 miles from north to south, and comprises a perimeter of long narrow islands. Composed of brocken coral shingle overlaid by coral sand a top covering of sandy hums soil from decayed vegetation. the islands are flat and low lying,generally no morthen five feet above sea level. Their coat lines are fringed with thick belts of palm trees and bushes. The island are surrounded by a reef and enclosed a deep water lagoon of 22 squre miles wich affords a good anchorage at all seasons varying in depth between 20 and 40 fathoms with a maximum tidal range of 3'.8" of the four availabe entrance, that known as gan channel between gan and willigili, having a minimum depth of 7 fathoms and safe with of 1/2 mile, is the most suitable for large vessels. The largest ship to use this entrance was RMS Queen Mary during the second World War . Addu atoll has a population of 35000 . Only five of 48 islands forming the Attol are inhabited . The people are cheerful and friendly
Addu is roughly heart shaped measurign 10 miles from east to west 6 1/2 miles from north to south, and comprises a perimeter of long narrow islands. Composed of brocken coral shingle overlaid by coral sand a top covering of sandy hums soil from decayed vegetation. the islands are flat and low lying,generally no morthen five feet above sea level. Their coat lines are fringed with thick belts of palm trees and bushes. The island are surrounded by a reef and enclosed a deep water lagoon of 22 squre miles wich affords a good anchorage at all seasons varying in depth between 20 and 40 fathoms with a maximum tidal range of 3'.8" of the four availabe entrance, that known as gan channel between gan and willigili, having a minimum depth of 7 fathoms and safe with of 1/2 mile, is the most suitable for large vessels. The largest ship to use this entrance was RMS Queen Mary during the second World War . Addu atoll has a population of 35000 . Only five of 48 islands forming the Attol are inhabited . The people are cheerful and friendly
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